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Bird's View

IAM gives quick outlook by opening Bird's View window with main features and Dashboard items like Cash Receivables, Cash Payables, Cash Flow, Profit & Loss- Actual vs Budget, Profit and Loss- Accrual, Your Top Expenses, Bank and Cash, Due Dates. All features and additional details are represented by icons. At any time you can customize the Dashboard items by choosing icon (Top right corner of dashboard).
Customise Widgets
Choose the widgets according to your requirements by selecting this icon (top right corner of dashboard).

Select at least 3 widgets and click Save changes.

Cash Receivables

It shows the outstanding invoice value with current and overdue status.

Cash Payables

It displays the outstanding bill value with current and overdue status.

Cash Flow

It displays the flow of cash or cash equivalents moving into an organization.

Due Dates

It displays the receipts and payments of invoices and bills with outstanding due dates.

Profit & Loss – Accrual

It displays the Profit & Loss values for a selected period on Accrual basis.

Profit & Loss – Actual vs Budget

It displays the Profit & Loss compared with budget values for a selected period.

Your Top Expenses

This diagram displays top expenses based on selected period.

Bank & Cash

It displays the Bank and Cash value as appeared in the order of Chart of Accounts.

Manage financial years

Create new financial year by choosing Manage Financial years and can easily switch over to required financial year by selecting FY from the dropdown.

Manage Organisation

Easily switch over to other organisation by selecting from dropdown. (By default displays the top 5 Organisation from your list).